The Chinese government-controlled media has been involved in propaganda about the Corona virus. Now he is trying to reverse the truth of the onset of Corona virus infection from the city of Wuhan. A year ago, the Corona virus was spread from the Institute of Virology or Meat Market in Wuhan. After that it spread all over the world. China began to play the role of denying this truth several weeks ago.
Now, through his media, he has started loudly propagating the lie that corona virus originated in another country and came to China from there.
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WHO Will Start The Investigation, When Corona Virus Is Born ?
Additional Solicitor-General K M Nataraj
कॉलेजियम की पसंद को चुनिंदा तरीके से मंजूरी देने पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट की चिंता
कॉलेजियम की पसंद को चुनिंदा तरीके से मंजूरी देने पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट की चिंता
close associates of sanjay singh
दिल्ली हाई कोर्ट ने शराब नीति मामले में संजय सिंह की जमानत याचिका खारिज कर दी