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Imran Khan Plays Peace Card in Sri Lanka Over Kashmir

Imran Khan latest statement in srilanka

Imran Khan Plays Peace Card in Sri Lanka Over Kashmir

Imran Khan Plays Peace Card in Sri Lanka

Pakistan PM Imran Khan frequently referred to India during his two-day visit to Sri Lanka, projecting himself as someone who had always advocated dialogue as the way forward for the two neighbors even as New Delhi took two steps back. #ImranKhan​ #KashmirIssue​ #India​ #CapitalTV​ #CapitalTVOnline

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Imran Khan on Back foot Over Kashmir

imran khan on kashmir issue

Imran Khan on Back foot Over Kashmir

imran khan

Imran Khan is totally shaken on the issue of Kashmir.Lahore A top Pakistani minister and a close aide of Prime Minister Imran Khan said that Pakistan had shown “weakness” on Kashmir issue, contradicting his government’s claim that it has “succeeded” in internationalising the issue. He promised so many things but failed to deliver. Failure on […]

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