If someone is lynched in our country, how seriously it is taken and how much sympathy is given to it, is determined on the basis of that person’s religion. This is very pathetic, but it is cent percent true and this is the irony of our country.
#RinkuSharma #DrManishKumar #CandleGang #CapitalTV #CapitalTVOnline #RamMandirFundCollection #JaiShreeRam
Dr. Manish Kumar is best known for his show, Black And White, and his role as the Editor-in-Chief of Capital TV. He has been a familiar face on media for the last 20 years.
He Completed Ph.D in Political Science from JNU (Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi).
He has a deep knowledge of Politics. Prior contributed for India TV, Jain TV, Chauthi Duniya and Pravakta.com.