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Chinese State Hackers Serum Institute, Bharat Biotech:

Bharat Biotech's COVAXIN shot

Chinese State Hackers Serum Institute, Bharat Biotech:

Chinese State-Backed Hackers Hack Serum Institute, Bharat Biotech: cybersecurity firm

A Chinese state-backed hacking group has in recent weeks targeted the IT systems of two Indian vaccine makers whose coronavirus shots are being used in the country’s immunisation campaign, cyber intelligence firm Cyfirma told Reuters. #China​ #ChineseHackers​ #ChinaCoronaVaccine​ #SerumInstitute​ #BharatBiotech​ #Coronavirus​ #IndiaCoronaVaccine​ #Cyfirma​ #CapitalTV​ #CapitalTVOnline

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